Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Weekly Hobby Update : 9-6-17 (Nova Recap Edition)

Hey Everyone!  I am back from Nova and sadly don't have much in the way of my own hobby due to the event, but today I did wish to bring you my pictures (warning there will be a lot of large images on the page) from The Capital Palette Painting Competition that was held at Nova Open.

What I really enjoy about The Capital Palette is how the awards are based on the skill of each individual model and not a standard 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.  In any category, there could be four golds or no golds etc... It feels more attuned to encouragement without taking away the honor and pride in receiving a Finalist Pin or a Medal in the event.  I am nowhere close to being able to enter the competition, but just seeing the beautifully painted pieces of art is inspiring to improve my hobby even by a bit.  It is really a top Painting event and if you are ever able to make it I would suggest you do.

First up is the entries for the event!

It is hard to say there were standouts as every piece of art in these cabinets was exceptional quality, but here are a few that caught my eye.

The award ceremony was held prior to the General/Closing Awards ceremony up on the Rooftop Floor, with exception of the Fan Favorite Vote Winner.  I joined Vince Venturella of Warhammer Weekly, who had numerous entries into the event, at the smaller awards ceremony and watched the genuine love all of these amazing artists have for their craft and their community.  It was great to be off in the corners watching this group support each other and share their passion for what they love to do.

It was a lot of fun seeing the winners go up to accept the recognition for their hard earned work and my friend Vince was able to walk away with quite a few awards for his entries.  I am also very excited for my friend Sean McAfee of Brush For Hire as he was always the painter in my local scene and he joined me this year in going to Nova and had a few entries as well in what was his first true painting competition.  His goal was a Finalist Pin and he walked away with one as well as a Bronze in the Singles category.  Vince and Sean, I want to offer my congratulations for all of your hard work.  The art you to and other like you produce is inspiring to all of us in the hobby.  Keep up the great work! 

Take care everyone and come back on Friday when I cover part of my Nova Open experience (except a few posts on the event in the coming weeks).  Until then, Happy Hobbying!